Friday, December 18, 2015

1st Semester Recap

Why hello there!

The last time I was able to write on this blog, or even think about writing about this blog, I was about 2 weeks away from starting medical school. Since that last post, a lot of things have happened in my life with regards to medical school. In fact, these past 4 months have probably been the quickest, most stressful, and busiest months of my life so far. Highlights, in no specific order, include:

  1. Officially donned my white coat for the first time and said the Hippocratic Oath
  2. Met my first patient (my cadaver) and successfully completed anatomy lab without vomiting or passing out
  3. Took my first National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Shelf exam and did decently well
  4. Worked with my first standardized patient (SP) and learned almost all aspects of the physical exam (Neuro is to come next semester)
  5. Became an Ambassador for my school and talked to interviewees and high school students about our school and med school life in general
  6. Joined a women's Bible study and became a member of the leadership team for the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA)
  7. Got selected to go on a Spring Break global health trip to Santa Ana, Honduras
  8. Met a great group of friends who are supportive and totally not gunners
  9. Took 8 exams in 2 weeks and received a Pass or better on all of them
  10. Finished my first semester of medical school with High Passes and Honors in all of my classes
Even though there have been bumps along the way, especially during my first block week of exams and finals, I don't think I've been much happier than I am now. I feel like I belong at school and as #8 reflects, found friends who will build each other up rather than tear each other down to get to the top. My top 2 criterion for a medical school were a supportive class and great opportunities to get clinical experience. My school exceeds both of those criterion by miles and I am so glad to be here. Thus, I have truly learned that school rank doesn't matter. What matters for me in my medical education is that I am happy and surrounded by people that will do anything to help me succeed, because how I'm feeling has a greater impact on my performance than my school's ranking.

I learned a lot this semester. . . probably more than I ever did in a year at undergrad, and I know I have a lot of learning to do. The biggest lesson for me, however, was that I am competent. I earned my spot in my class and I don't think the admissions committee made a mistake. I thank God everyday that He has put me on this path and is with me every step of the way.

I have a long road in front of me and a lot of things still left to figure out, but for now, I'm proud and happy to say that I am 1/8th an M.D!