Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Project for Awesome 2012


I really should have posted this earlier seeing as P4A started on the 17th and you guys would have prior warning, but finals. Anyways, Project for Awesome was this thing started by the Vlogbrothers, Hank and John, on YouTube where people post, comment, like, favorite P4A videos. What are P4A videos? They are YouTube videos created to promote a charity of that creator's choosing. Then on December 17 these videos are posted to YouTube and www.projectforawesome.com where other people can watch and vote for their favorite videos. The five videos with the highest votes will get a portion of the money raised. Project for Awesome continues onto the 18 where final votes and donations are tabulated to determine which charities get the money.

This year I wanted to more actively participate in P4A by making a video about the club I joined GlobeMed and it's partner with MAP Foundation. Watch it on YouTube here. If you really want to help out MAP Foundation, you can donate money here.

Have a great Project for Awesome! And good luck to those of you finishing up with exams. I just finished mine today and I understand your pain.