Friday, May 31, 2013

Lifescouts: Performing on Stage


I hope all is well in your life! Since I'm almost two months behind in my lifescouts badge, I decided to try and catch up. This badge is for performing on stage which I have done on many occasions because of piano recitals, concerts for chorus, and speech and debate. I don't really have an extremely funny or embarrassing story to tell you because luckily I don't suffer from any extreme stage fright.

However, one year during my annual spring piano recital where all of the students who took lessons with my piano teacher played one or two pieces to show off what they learned that year. I think it may have been my third or fourth recital with this teacher at this venue and yet I didn't quite understand how she decided to assign our seats in the church where our recital was held. See, when we walked in before the recital began, we were to go to the middle section of reserved pews where the recital programs were placed on the seats. Each program had one name circled which signified that that was your seat. Logically, I thought that we would be seated in order of the program so that when the person next to you returned from playing his or her piece, you knew that it was your turn to go. This recital didn't work like that. I was way in the back and students were getting up from random areas in the reserved section, so I didn't know when to go. Of course, if I knew who the person was that was to go before me I wouldn't have any problem, but I didn't. Therefore in an attempt to count the people who had gone and thus figure out where we were in the program, I assumed that I knew when I was supposed to go. I even waited a bit to see if anyone else was getting up to play. Since I didn't see anyone go, I went ahead and got up to play. Once I sat down, my piano teacher made an announcement that I was not the person whose place I had taken, and that now we were back on track with the program. To this day, I still don't know how I was supposed to know when I was to get up and play, but whatever.

Badge count: 19